Monday, October 14, 2013

where in the world is my target audience

With my personal brand I am going to have to differentiate myself from the competition and also gain name recognition. Without standing out I will not succeed.

My professional brand consists of helping young teens and adults finding their way in life, giving them a sense of direction when they don't know what they want to go to school for or what they want to do once they are done with school. It also consists of helping small businesses out who are behind on technology and need a social media presence, helping them gain a competitive advantage. Not only being a motivational speaker, giving advise, educating them in a creative inspirational fun way, and helping them find their passion in life.

*Where am I going to find my target audience?
My target audience consists of young teens and adults. I am going to find them in a variety of schools and colleges around NJ and NY, as well as various youth organizations. I can also find them at different organizations such as the boys and girls club. With my other target audience, small business entrepenuers, I will be able to find them through networking, word-of-mouth, listings that cities provide of all the various local businesses, and relationships.

*How am I going to get their attention?
Getting teens and young adults attention is not an easy task! I know from personal experience that people don't have my attention unless it is a must, or I am actually interested in the topic. This is the case with many students. I am going to have to stand out and differentiate myself. I have to portray myself in a cool trendy fashionable way that grabs students attention. I am going to inspire them and build my brand up to where I am well known. "If it makes money it makes sense"; It won't be difficult to gain the attention of business owners because once $$ and potential profits are involved, you have their full attention.

*Whats my overall marketing strategy and how does social media fit?
My overall marketing strategy consists of my objectives, target audiences, my unique selling proposition, my communication plan, and key performance indicators. It is what I want to achieve first and foremost. The various demographics, and how I am going to communicate with my target audience. Social media fits because this is a major way to communicate, network, and differentiate yourself by having a unique brand and presence on social media. Social media is a huge part of the marketing mix.

*What social media mix will I use to communicate with my target audience?
I will use the consumer-oriented model(commodity, channel, cost, communication). I will definitely be using Linkedin, and Twitter. On Linkedin I can follow various people who are in charge of boys and girls clubs, as well as administrative workers for various schools. On Twitter I can follow various schools and random teens. Many youth organizations have twitter accounts. "From the best strategy comes the best mix; likewise, from the best mix come the most satisfying rewards."


  1. First I would like to say great read Josh; it's easy, flows well, and your writing style is clear and concise. I often times wish I had that ability when it comes to blogging.

    I see that you have cut yourself a clear path as far as your objectives go and what direction you will pursue. If you've read the ORACLE Cloud white paper assigned to us I would definitely pay some attention to allocation of soc-med resources and recognizing what channels may garner the greatest return.

    I see that you mentioned you are aware that keeping up to date with the latest soc-med trends are of importance, but I would reckon you second guess that and find what works for now. You can pay attention to trends, but are you capable of focusing your attention on results as well? Believe me, I was in that same boat believing that staying on top of whats new is synonymous for what works and that is not always the case.

    Social media is valuable and an evolution in communication overall, but I believe the professor mentioned approximately two classes ago that it is not the be-all and end-all of communication mediums. I paid most of my attention to, during the ORACLE read, the frequency and formality portions (page 4 of the pdf file). From just developing a better understanding for the two I actually contemplated on what it is that I am trying to present to my audience. How in-depth do I want to get with them and will being informal on a blog appear to tactless than say utilizing twitter? Are all soc-med tools necessary to deliver my message?

    Just some things that come to mind now when I'm looking at social media.

  2. thanks man!!, Ive been wanting some feedback, as someone who started this class still not knowing exactly what I want to do and exactly what my personal brand is this has been a challenge for me. Im going to go over the oracle read again

  3. Josh, thanks for the post. Can you start the post by restating your professional brand and what it is? That way, we have context to why your target is who your target audience is. You mention teens and young adults via boys and girls clubs. How will you connect online? Using social medi? I like the mention of FB, twitter, etc. Where do they hang out? Specific sites? Also, watch your grammar and capital letters, etc. Even though it's social media, you do need to be correct! Thanks -Perri
