Monday, October 28, 2013

Gee-Wiz: Flipboard

Afternoon to those who contribute to The KU Cougar and those who are following.  I just wanted to let everyone know that we actually have followers of this awesome blog and to spread the word.  I like to believe we do have something to say.

Through an app called Flipboard, which I utilize on a daily basis, serving as a one stop for all of my online digest, I've been able to develop this small following for The KU Cougar Blog.

One of the great features that I've utilized since the start of the semester was the ability to create what Flipboard calls "magazines".  The creation of an individual's magazine consists of content that the user can view in private for later reading or have on display for fellow Flipboard users to peruse through publicly and follow.

I've obviously made one of my magazines public which is populated with nothing but our own work and I have to admit that I'm glad that there are people out there listening to us and so should you.

I would like to hear from you about publicity and whether or not you would like for me to continue to contribute certain posts as headliners for the magazine.

Look forward to hearing from you, happy blogging everyone!


  1. I love how you are utilizing flipboard, I never heard of it before until you spoke of it in class. I think it is a great tool to have when your promoting yourself and creating compelling content to attract new "subscribers" or followers.

  2. I too was not familiar with flipboard until you mentioned it in class. While I can't speak for everyone, I think it's great that you've been using it to 'promote' our class blog, thanks! Sure, as a class, we're all keeping up to date with it (or at least we should be), but it's nice to see people from outside of the class showing an interest in what we have to say as well!

  3. Flipboard seems like an awesome tool, and it's awesome that you're using it to share your classes work! Hopefully your following grows, so you all can share more!
