Monday, October 7, 2013

This is getting interesting...

You find yourself at a whole new level of online stalking when you research and follow some of the leaders of a company you may apply at for employment.  "I wonder if they saw me watching them?" I wonder as I take a break from clicking almost every link on Chris Vitale' LinkedIn profile.  He is a the VP of marketing at Slomin's Inc, where I currently work.

Positioning myself into the marketing department of my current employer or another in the security industry is my goal.  I have been using LinkedIn as my primary means of researching my target audience and achieving my goal.

Here is my latest Value Proposition: "I am seeking executives, managers, and recruiters in the marketing or human resources department of home security companies. I am a Navy veteran with security experience and fresh marketing ideas. Currently, I transfer my experience of high level security systems from the military into counseling hundreds of businesses and homeowners with the best way to implement their own security system. I first assess the customer's situation, then educate them on the attributes of a security system, and lastly match them with the best setup. I do this in a clear, confident, and thorough manner."

As of now I have begun networking throughout some of the lower levels of my current employer on LinkedIn while studying the leaders of it and interacting in some of the circles they participate in.  Another key leader I am watching is Howard Sachs, director of sales and marketing for Slomin's Inc.  The majority of circles he is in are unrelated university groups.  But I have begun following one of his relevant circles, On Startups - The Community for Entrepreneurs.


  1. I really like your post. It's short, sweet and to the point.

    Personally that is one of my problems, where I end up writing too much.

    However, from your post I have learned that I really need to get within the circles of my employment target rather than the community. I'm not sure that I understood the assignment when she said to get involved.

    I think I might need to change mine so that I am within the sphere of editors like Ann Shoket and Cindi Leive. That way the higher ups within the company can see me rather than the community itself because ultimately, the editors within the companies will be the ones to higher me.

    So thanks!

  2. Nice! I have been checking out groups where I work and has worked for me in the past. Keep it up!

  3. Outstanding! Very well done, Anthony. How can you take this one step further and start participating in some of the groups that your target audience hangs out in? Vs. stalking (though stalking is considered participating). Perri
