Monday, October 28, 2013

Put Me in Coach...I'm Ready to Blog!

Ever do some reading on  Well, I do.  It's required in one of my classes!

But even though my experience with AdAge began with the swift motion of my professor twisting my arm and face-planting me onto the pavement of this media source, I am finding that position on the pavement rather enjoyable.  Posting blog entries around the clock on the latest ads and marketing gossip, AdAge is a staple for marketing junkies.

They keep it clean: black text on white background (like a newspaper), crisp photos relevant to the post, and concise facts that deliver you that precise amount of information you need without wasting any time.

EXPERIMENT: check out this post (but only read the first sentence!):

AdAge Reports on Energy Drinks

Now, you should have taken less than 10 seconds to do that, and hopefully, there are two things in your head from it.

1.)  A fairly confident understanding of what the entire post is about, just from that first sentence.
2.)  A curiosity to know more about an energy drink killing someone.

This is why I have grown fond of this blog site.  They understand the short attention span of online readers; so they immediately throw a summary out to inform the reader with a hook attached that brings them in for the full read.


  1. I enjoyed reading your post since I am in that class too and she does address a lot about Ad Age. Its a great way to keep up on local launches of products as well as commercials. I do agree that it is a easy website to read which is great. Good job !

  2. good post, you drew me in with the clever title!
