Monday, October 7, 2013

My Value Proposition

lost? I was too!!
My professional brand consists of helping young teens and adults finding their way in life, giving them a sense of direction when they don't know what they want to go to school for or what they want to do once they are done with school. It also consists of helping small businesses out who are behind on technology and need a social media presence. Not only being a motivational speaker, giving advise, educating them in a creative inspirational fun way, and helping them find their passion in life. I am targeting young adults and teens. I am also targeting small businesses.

"I am an exprienced branch manager at a large corporation where I deal with customers and employees on a daily basis. I am currently going for my Bachelors in marketing and I have an associates in business administration. I am very easy to talk to, very ambitious, and I have a passion for a variety of things. I am humble and I always want to help others. I am straight forward, very dedicated and reliable. I want to share my thoughts and ideas as well as my personal experience to the younger generation that may not know exactly what they want to do in life such as myself. I also want to share my ideas, and real experiences to small businesses who are struggling for an identity, or can't grasp onto modern day technology and all the positives it has to offer. Through educating them, giving a sense of direction, bringing new ideas to the table, introducing fresh new concepts, and being innovative. In a way that is fun, educational, creative and profitable for both parties, exemplifying the passion and real life experiences that I have"

Twitter would be my major social media channel to deliver my brand. It is a great way to promote yourself and get the message accross. Young teens, young adults, and small businesses use twitter. I can follow schools and colleges that have twitter accounts and random students. My messege and posts would be something like "Lost? I was too!! let me help you". You can see what is trending around the world and build relationships. It is all about networking.

1 comment:

  1. Josh, I love that you want to inspire and help young people figure out what they want to do. How can you state this as a value proposition (using the template). And who would you follow on Twitter, how would you engage, what you would post. Tell me more. I am intrigued. Perri
