Sunday, October 27, 2013

Reading The Blogs

I have worked with many journalists and bloggers for 4 years in the automotive media industry whether they were big time and small time. Out of everyone I met during this time, Lauren from is one of my favorites.

She is married woman, mother of three, and a blogger. Her blog is about how to stretch your dollars and save while having fun, have an adventure, and how to enjoy life.

Her last post is about pumpkin cookies but my favorite one is her last automotive review because it was one of the last times I have worked with Lauren. She had reviewed a Mazda 5 which is a minivan that is unbelievably small. (This review can be seen on this link)

She describes the specs on the vehicle, features, and opinions about the car. She was very honest on her review of the car, knowing the car is a "MINI-van", and this car is not big enough for a weekend trip.

To show you how small this car really is, I included a picture of the day after I picked the car up from Lauren months ago (below)

Yep, that's my goofy self a few months ago with this Mazda 5.

Anyhow, what I liked about her review is that she was honest about her review and her thoughts about the car. The more I read about her blog, the more I learned on how to do mine which is be straight to the point.


  1. nice post man, you provided us with a link and its a simple sweet blog that interests you.

  2. The first thing I noticed was the title of her blog, it definitely caught my attention. Then I got to the part where you mentioned her doing an automotive review. Knowing next to nothing about cars, I usually don't pay much attention to auto reviews, but having seen the title of your post, it made me wonder what she would have to say about cars and helped to keep my interest as well (I actually went to go read her review after your post). Great post!
