Monday, October 28, 2013

Every Man Is Not Everywhere

A great name, great product, and a great target audience is...well...GREAT!  Ideas always seem excellent on paper, but when the execution of a plan, or in this case a campaign falls dramatically short via the utilization of social media platforms it is time to walk back to the drawing board,  tail in-between your legs, and get it together...Every Man Jack.

Every Man Jack (EMJ) is a line of men's grooming products that give you the sense that they are upfront, straight forward, and lacking any gimmicks that their rivals in the market place dish out (cough, "I'm on a horse.", cough, Old Spice, cough, cough).  I will say that they are also lacking in the soc-med department when it comes to garnering followers and driving some viral presence online.

From what I've been able to gather about EMJ's presence in the social, digital spectrum is that its almost non-existent.  Going back to 2010 and as early as 2009 when their Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook accounts were establish you would think that in 2013 their numbers and creative content would be up to snuff with what is already out there.  EMJ is great, their products are excellent, but it appears that they are missing that sophistication that comes with embracing social media avenues.

Taking a look at Every Man Jack's YouTube page, ironically titled EMJBuzz, I lost the concept of the company being the straight shooter  that I portrayed them as earlier.  I see a lack a creative content and not only that, but the focus on establishing/ reinforcing their image is not clear.  Who are you EMJ?  What would you recommend they do about this; leave the YouTube scene entirely or actually put some elbow grease into making this channel work?

I would like to see more of a mesh between their social media accounts and incorporate their audience because as you can see below I've gathered original works from individuals who are showing love for the brand on their own time and dime.

Why are you not listening EMJ?


 Maybe not entirely within copyright regulations and a host of other red tape, but good on you Martin Torres for showing a little YouTube love for EMJ.

Works such as the one above is what I envision for the brand, and still do just from the name, Every Man Jack, to embody and promote.  Get it together...Man. 


  1. I couldn't agree with your more..Are they attempting to grassroot it to the top? I'm a huge fan of WOM marketing but based on their twitter followers it seems it could use some help. I want to try their products though!

    -Dan Tobjy

  2. Have to tell you there is a good chance I am going to try some of their products due to your enthusiastic delivery. Good job!

  3. I really enjoyed your presentation last week. This is a product that I have never heard about. Its great to see a company that is rising just because WOM. I do believe that they should update there social webpages as you addressed. Great job !

  4. Your presentation was done really well so I was impressed when I got to read this too. You really have some good ideas and tips for them to improve their brand. I think that we should keep in mind that other people have amazing ideas that we can use in our own personal branding.

  5. Never heard of this brand untill your presentation but if I happen to see something on the shelves i am going to give it a try, they definitely have the right ideas just need to update their social medias a bit more

  6. This is my first time ever hearing about this brand, and from your presentation examples, I agree; they definitely need to work on their appearance via social media. If they're as great as you say they are, the word needs to be spread about them in a more positive and constructive manner that correlates with the companies goals of hopefully expanding. Great presentation!
