Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Perez-Fox - Design and Branding

One of the many blogs that I follow on the "information super highway" (yes, permission to laugh granted) is that of Prescott Perez-Fox of PerezFox.com.

I initially took a liking to Prescott's work through one of his earlier projects, twentyhood.com.  I was fond of his combining both blogging and podcasting from one source; it was a first for me to experience.  Some instances the short blog posts corresponded to the latest podcast and at other times it did not.  I found that not disturbing, but interesting.

I've taken a liking to what Prescott refers to as the "order-and-chaos" philosophy.  It is not noticed in his writing style, in my opinion, but the content that Mr. Perez-Fox presents from one posting to the next shows a reflection.  There is no consistency portraying a theme, unless you consider "life", but it is interpretive to the reader and I am comfortable with that. 

You can find yourself reading about how Prescott is coming along with his new standing desk one day and the next you're reading a post of raw angst over a crashed Hackintosh.

When it does come to Prescott's writing style I have found it easy, fluid, and relatable, obviously.  

  • Easy in the sense that Prescott does not use any jargon that may go over the average reader's head.  Average meaning that more than likely someone with an 8th grade reading level can comprehend to the context of a post.  You feel comfortable and feel as though Prescott types as he does speak.
  • Fluidity comes from how easy it is to actually get what is being said in a post the first time.  I rarely catch myself running back to the beginning of a paragraph or a sentence to due to a lack of proper grammar.
  • Content is king with me and Prescott Perez-Fox delivers the goods.  His blog is not for those who are trained to stick to one theme on a blog, but recognize as an individual that they have multiple interests and appeals, and maybe they should embrace that.  Mr. Perez-Fox has a little something for everyone.

Despite his sudden drop for my first love, twentyhood.com, I respect and admire his growth that I've witnessed through the years.  

He's on again, then off again, but the fact remains that he comes off approachable and real as it is represented through PerezFox.com.


  1. Edward - great post. Like it a lot. Well written, linked to specific information. Well done. -Perri

  2. Sounds like a very interesting blog, especially with the fluctuating themes; seems like you'll never get bored! Nice post, thanks for sharing!
