Monday, October 28, 2013

TMZ blog

One of my favorite blogs that I have followed even before I have registered for this class is TMZ. I Love the gossip of celebrities and the social world around us . TMZ is on top of all their blogs. I find out Info on celebrities such as Chris Brown punching a " photo bomber." 

Another great thing about TmZ is it's on television . Every night I get home from work that's what I watch . I guess you can say I like gossip . 

Techniques TMZ uses in their blogs is in every caption they have a picture of either a celebrity or the idea of the blog. This is an attention grabber to the blog reader and gives them an idea of what they are about to read about . 

There's an app for that ! 
TMZ has an app which I love. One click and I'm at their page . I also like how you get instant updates sent to your phone when some new they post. Being so up to date on their blog, peaks my interest even more. 

In my blogs that I have posted prior, I have used that technique to use a picture after or before my text . I believe it gives the reader an idea as well as a visual to know what I am about to say .  I will continue to use this technique in my future blogs . 

1 comment:

  1. Im pretty sure your the girl who likes celebrity gossip, perfect site/blog for you lol, Your blog was nice and straight forward and cam accross like how you actually talk to people in real life. JUst need to edit them pictures! they are huge and take up mose of the page lol
