Saturday, October 19, 2013

Getting the Attention: Marketing Strategy

My target audience are young African American female adults they are a huge percentage of regular active internet users and there are several places they hang out on the web and on mobile.

Young black  females are interested majorly interested in
  • reality shows
  • fashion
  • cosmetics
  • family
  • health
  • shopping
  • hair products 
  • career opportunities
All of those interests can be located on Facebook, blogs, forums, Twitter and Instagram.
I plan to get their attention by writing blogs about how to take care of their bodies, products they can use, and how to do day-by-day activities to be more healthy.

I will post informative information that women would like to read and are interested in learning about. Images are also a great way to get audience's attention so images of myself using products would be a good touch.

Overall, marketing strategy would be rhetorical questioning to the audiences.
Example, Do you struggle with split ends? Having trouble finding a good moisturizer for your skin?

Women are naturally curious so rhetorical questions is a good way to get their attention. That can be done on Social Media by doing various posts. and maybe a few poll questions for fun.

The social media mix I will use is the blog, all the content and posts on the social media websites will lead up to the blog by placing the website links so generate more traffic.

1 comment:

  1. you have a clear path of objectives and goals, good luck
