Victoria's Secret was named #1 in the Top 500 retailers for their social media strategy in 2012 and is in the upper half of the top 50 for last month's numbers.
But how can such a company beat out stores like and Walmart? Well, here is how.
Victoria's Secret truly knows their target market. They not only know where their target market hangs out, but they know what attracts their target market.
Having a target market of young women, they were sure to choose social media that their audience would use.
They have a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube channel. All of which Victoria's Secret updates frequently.
Through these accounts, Victoria's Secret will integrate or promote one another. On one Facebook post on October 1st, Victoria's Secret added a link to their YouTube Channel . In the video they also talked about a hashtag, #VSFragrance, which is usually used on Twitter. This shows their connection between and use of all accounts.
They are also sure to get their audience involved. They ask questions, hold contests, and host events exclusively for their online followers.
Victoria's Secret also encourage customer interaction. They ask them frequent questions, respond to some customers, and even help them out.
Also, they always are adding new content and pictures that appeal not only to women, but to men too. I was showing my co-worker my powerpoint for class and he was very happy with the pictures I chose.

As much as Victoria's Secret is online, they are offline too. Though they do send a lot of their promotions, sales, coupons, and information through email. They do send out coupons, sales, and catalogs through the mail.
They also have the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show on TV, and encourage people to write about it. Last year they had the largest number yet of people watching and talking about the fashion show.
I think that Victoria's Secret social media strategy is really effective. They're so good; I can't think of a away that they can improve.
Like the oracle article "Managing the Social Media Marketing Mix" said, They are connecting all of their social media counter parts and creating a thread between all of them.
Plus they are using the four social media lenses. They are
frequently updating their content, using the correct
formality for their audience, they are
funneling to specific channels, and using the
waterfall effect by connecting their channels.
Although I am not exactly sure if they are ranking their social media lenses by
subscription size, I'm sure that they are in some way and using it to their advantage.
Maybe that is something that they can work on, using their subscriptions to their advantage. I did notice that their Twitter uses twitter pics and they don't post their Instagram pictures to their tweets. So maybe they can use their larger subscription of Twitter followers and have them click on an Instagram link to promote more visits to their Instagram.
Other than that I think that Victoria's Secret is doing an amazing job with their social media strategy. I mean, after all, they were number 1! Let's hope they keep it up for this year.