Sunday, September 22, 2013

Lipstick Street's Branding Strategy

Branding is the way we market ourselves to the world.

 A brand can be anything such as a name, symbol, design, or term, a special certain way that identifies a certain person or business.

My personal brand is digital marketing in Beauty:
  • My blogs will be in purple writing
  • Content will involve marketing tactics that can relate to beauty
  • The blog entry will be titled using "LIPSTICK STREET" so audience will identify that the blog is by myself.
Young Black females ages 16-25 will be my target audience. They are the ones that purchase cosmetics and beauty products the most. They also take interest in Beauty and they pay more attention to their appearance.

Why African American Females?

It is more complicated for black women to find the right products that compliments our skin complexion. We need more guidance and more information on where to find the right products and what to use.

My objectives are:
- to use keywords that would attract my target audience.
- to post content that will give advice, be informative and hopefully spark a lot of interest.
- to engage the audience to become interested in the world of beauty
- to post on a consistent basis so that the audience don't lose interest

I will utilize my personal brand on Facebook and Tumblr. These channels will help bring out my personal brand and to bring some attention to my blog.

1 comment:

  1. The first thing I noticed with your post was the name, Lipstick Street, I like that not only does it relate to your brand, but it's also unique. Having done a Google search on blogging etiquette, one topic that kept appearing was the importance of consistency in brand image. Considering that when we did the Google activity in class, many of the results for your name had to do with pageants and talent related topics, your brand and search results really seem consistent and help to complement each other. The search results also seem to add more credibility to your brand.

    On a side note, nice addition to use purple writing, I think it definitely adds to the image.
