Sunday, September 15, 2013

Social Media, New world !

I've got to be honest with you guys, when I think of "Social Media" what comes to my mind are Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (which I haven't figure out yet.... I know it's embarrassing).

Well, after our first class I went home and asked myself: How much do I know about social media? I guess not much. We were assigned to do a short presentation about a social media tool that we chose. This assignment helped me to realized that the Social Media world is fascinating . Also, it's so amazing to know how powerful this is and how companies are taking advantage of Social Sites to increase their sales.
I see all of these Social Sites as great tools to be in touch with customers. If I  Owned a company I would want to know if I'm doing things right or not. Of course, everything is to make my business better. Likewise, incorporating Social Media to my strategy would help me to develop a relationship with my customers and it would be easier for me to identify what they want and what they need.

Just make sure to be authentic, be transparent, get inside your reader's mind, solicit feedback, don't be offensive and most importantly HAVE FUN! as suggests

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