Technology practically runs our lives.
Where would I be without my iPhone, iPod, Blackberry, Laptop, or E-mail? Completely lost!
I have adapted to being so tech-savvy so quickly, that I would feel lost without technology.
Have I adapted to this Social Media Bandwagon?
As I see it my options are to join in on all the fun be joining every social networking site there is from four square to linked in,
....or should I just sitting back and watch it all happen?
I know everyone follows different forums or blogs because we are interested in what celebrities are wearing, the new diet trend, or what trend is coming next?
What ever it may be, each person has their own way of being passionate about something and finding ways to keep up with the latest news.
I believe it is important to have a blog for the following reasons:
- Blogs in a class setting are a portal of a little community that is open to the public and can foster each individuals thoughts.
- To familiarize ourselves with the format of how a blog works.
- A way to learn about one another a little better by being capable of seeing someone else's point of view or even passion for a certain topic/issue.
- Blogging is a low cost efficient way to hold class discussions on different topics outside of class.
By using this blog weekly, I hope to gain a better understanding of how a blog is formatted and used for creating my own personal brand. I hope to build my own brand through a blog and figure out the kind of traits I'd like to portray as well as, find what really makes my brand different from everyone else's.
This is a way for me to learn how to spread my social network branches not only in a closed setting but, for the public as well. I hope to integrate this new way of social media into my future career.

I'm interested in seeing what's trending in fashion and what will be out in each season. Every article is about something that is going out right now and changes everyday.
The site has a wide variety of topics that are always up to date. If you're interested in fashion, sneakers, music or art this is something you should definitely check out!
Until the next post... xoxo, Thealynn
I like how you broke different ideas down, used pictures, italicized and bold certain words,gave direct links, great job