Monday, September 23, 2013

To Be Social, Flexible, and Digital

I never contemplated on the idea of a personal brand, on a professional level, but I will admit I have dabbled in a few alterations to my identity as far as who I am to the world.  In my opinion I find it hard to believe that we can just limit our character, who we are as an individual to just one identity or trait; the concept is futile offering no flexibility to an audience that we may not even be aware that we are on show for.

The point that I'm trying to make is that we all have something more to offer than what a piece of paper, symbolizing heaps of studying and a lot of term papers that have been handed in, attempts to define us as.

I can proudly say that I am:
  • a photography
  • a techie
  • a storyteller
  • a bit of a traveler (so jealous about Brazil, prof.)
  • willing to take a risk when I know the chances of failure (er, hard lesson) are high
  • an enthusiastic communicator
  • and some other things I'm sure I am, but unable to put thought to font at this time
I would like to allow what it is I know, and enjoy doing to catapult me further into the field of marketing/digital marketing.

I've recently looked over my Linkedin account (looked over...yeah...before this semester is up I will have it where I want it to be), made attempts to clean up my act just a tad on Twitter, but not to necessarily dismiss my trendy wit on the micro-blog site. 

I find myself jumping from one digital platform to the next and sites such as my tumblr, Hatch In Progress, stems from something personal as well as attempt in an entrepreneurial endeavor.  Hatch In Progress is something that I believe in and consider it a side project that just hasn't developed its wings yet; elaboration is necessary at this point although I will have to hold that off for another post.  

For the first time I'm actually throwing the name out there to the public's ears this semester, I'm proposing the name for my mock marketing firm in another course.  I'm still waiting for the verdict on my proposal from the rest of my five member team, but I like to believe the name will stick and I enjoy seeing what I offer as accepted.

I've made attempts at maintaining a private blog via WordPress, and that is more so for fine tuning my communication skills and developing a good habit for expressing my thoughts through a keyboard.  Sticking to a particular subject matter is what I would like to really be able to work on, but show that I can elaborate well say given a particular subject to focus on.

Keeping up the habit of blogging has not been my strong suit, but it's never to late to get back on the horse, right?

So what do I want to promote, brand myself as?

I want to to find myself engaged with an audience, intertwined with digital marketing, that is seen as someone capable of meshing into different cultures, social groups, and various activities with the ability to adopt new techniques and technologies as necessary.  What I would like to present myself as someone who is, in one word, flexible with a want to be social.

Until the next post - ciao.

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