"Think of social media as real estate."
Any business owner can tell you that one of the keys to their success or possibly failure as a business was their location in relation to their potential customers. It's a rather simple concept. The more travelers on a road, the more customers a business will have.
Now that the Internet has made our world a smaller one, these physical highways are now cyber highways known as social media blogs. These blogs are traveled every day by millions of "users" from all across the globe.
Businesses have the same marketing concerns as the physical realm, but with a slightly different twist:
- Are they positioned at the right locations (are they utilizing social media blogs most commonly traveled)?
- Does their store front and store sign appear clear and visible (are their ad banners the correct size, proper content, and positioned well for users to notice them)?
- Are their signs advertising the current in-store sale placed close enough to the street (are their current promotions linked to the proper key search words for users to stumble across)?
As hopeful marketing and business gurus, we must become masters of this new age of business real estate. Social media is the location of the majority of the world's consumers, and a business can access them from a single computer. With that being said a class blog is perfect for us to familiarize ourselves as becoming creators of social buzz/interest instead of simply getting caught up in it.
I will refer to myself as the guy in class who said he hates social media, but I also said I understand the importance of it now and even more in the near future. I plan to create my brand and utilize our class blog to promote myself and my future career goals. I have also begun my advancement into this area by creating accounts in most of the top social media blogs (which has been painful), and I am doing my best to check mashable (my blog of choice) every day.
My phone loves the extra attention.
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