Monday, September 23, 2013

Express yourself, Brand yourself !

My objectives I live by everyday are never giving up and finishing a day and feeling success! I'd brand myself as teaching and mentoring in the fashion indutry. Knowing that someone has learned a task because of my own teaching is a feeling of success in life! 

I would have to say my target audience are people around my age 20-25. I feel as though I can learn from the people I teach. Learning how they react to my teachings will help me better my structures an ways of teaching and mentoring . 

My channels:

    * LinkedIn: sharing my skills to the world and finding companies who  are interested in my skills.

    * Facebook: connecting with people all over and being able to link myself with positive people.

    * Blogger: blogging about the world and news around us . Keeping up on communications and skills of social media. 

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