Sunday, September 15, 2013

Blogging: Essential To Your Brand and Your Future

Why Blog For Class? 

Contemporary Issues in Marketing Social Media. This is the name of our course, and yet we are questioned as to why we should have this blog?

It seems pretty self explanatory, but maybe a closer look at the title and a simple break down will create meaning as to the necessity of this blog.

"Contemporary" is a word that means that something is happening now, in the present. It is important to stay on top of everything current. Currency shows credibility, professionalism, and youthfulness.

"Issues." Problems, questions, comments, concerns? All of these are things that must be addressed and shared.

If an issue isn't resolved then people are left unsatisfied. Troubleshooting, answers, feedback, and explanations are the only way that we, as people, can feel a level of contentment.

"Marketing" is the action or business of promoting and selling a product or service. That is what we're doing with ourselves, this course, and our major.

"Social Media" is a platform that people use to interact with one another. Usually free or cheap, it can be anything from writing to pictures to video. Social media helps to create an audience and following with sharing and commenting.

So what is that all together?

With this blog we will be able to keep up with the times. Our research, findings, and questions can all be addressed on this one space, that is free.

 We will also be able to give answers, encouragement, and constructive criticism to one another. This will create a comfortable and professional environment where we will be willing to share ideas and thoughts.

Sharing and interacting with one another is a part of marketing. We can also market ourselves as well as other brands on this blog with the internet audience and each other.

Creating contacts with one another is a great way to network and market oneself. And obviously, this blog is a social media platform.

All in all, we will cover all areas of the course by using this blog.

In short terms, Why blog?
  • timely, quick to update
  • create/promote interaction
  • cheap, web presence
  • contacts, networking, extend brand

What Do I Hope to Get Out of This Blog?

Using this blog I hope to get all of the aforementioned things. I especially hope to share my personal brand and create contacts within our group as well as the internet audience.

To build my brand I can share my thoughts and ideas that I have with my colleagues in blog posts and comments.

One idea I have is: can we get some color on this page? It's so blah. I feel we need to do something to make our website stand out more, don't you?

Maybe I'll speak of it when I do my presentation on blogger.

I can also create a dialogue that allows others to get to know me as well as what I want to do. I can share here what I am currently doing and working on right now if I wish. Which, I believe I shall. 

I am a writer for SALT blog, where I blog about anything to do with college and saving money. Before, I was a fashion blogger for the site, but now I write about a few different things.

Currently, I'm working on writing about going to community college, where I first started off, and transferring to a four year school. 

I am also the editor-in-chief for Her Campus Kean, an online magazine geared towards women. Her Campus specifically is a website where campuses from all over the country are aggregated on this one website and we can share stories, trends, and ideas about our campuses. It's a great way to get some of your writing out there and published.

I have a few other things that I write for, but I'm sure that will be revealed as my time with the class goes on.

I recommend that we all learn about one another and share our experiences so that we can create a fun and interactive environment, as well as a professional one.

Follow me on Twitter @BLynneB and let me know that we're in class together, that way I'll be sure to follow you back!

Blogs I Will Be Following

I just realized that Google Reader no longer exists! How sad is that? Now I will have to learn how to do RSS feed in another way. 

But anyways, I'll have to find some new blogs to follow.

One I'm going to follow is The Budget Babe, so that I can learn about college fashion on a budget. It will be a great resource for HC Kean and the SALT blog.

I also will be following a similar site called College Fashion. Both are great sites that I recommend for anyone who is interested in young adult fashion. They used to be on my Reader until Google got rid of it.

I can't wait to read everyone else's and learn about each person's interest. 

Until Next Time! 

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