Monday, September 30, 2013

Dot your i's and cross your t's

Today's new is always bursting with social media. Gossip news is even better, who is tweeting false information or crude remarks. There comes a time where social media can help or hurt you . Everyone wants to have a little fun in life but at times we need to have some etiquette! 

Social media such as twitter has some rules! 
- don't automatically direct message people to follow you ! ( you just look desperate)
- don't over hashtag ###### No one wants to read a million words that start with # 
- don't stuff your weeks with keywords. Tweeting is suppose to simple and sweet . Get the point and post 😡


- don't like your own post. ( again how desperate can you be to have a million likes???)
- don't ignore comments. ( that's just rude.) 


-don't join groups and immediately start selling yourself. You'll just look desperate and get annoying.

-don't pester recommendations. No one wants to be annoyed, while their the ones helping you. 

As you can see there is a lot to the social media world. So the next time your ready to post, remember your etiquette. 

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