Monday, September 23, 2013

Please wait.... while I am being Branded.

These days you are almost non-existent in this world if you do not have a presence on at least two social media networks.  I won't lie, with the exception of LinkedIn, all my social media accounts were made without any thought or meaning behind them.

I created a Facebook because everyone else had one, and I just wanted to see how many of my high school peers had husbands and wives versus baby daddies and baby mommas.  I created Instagram haphazardly as well.

But LinkedIn, ooooh LinkedIn was created with purpose mixed in with a hint of exclusivity.  I knew that it would aid me greatly in searching and landing a job, and the "accept" button wasn't to be taken lightly.

While making my LinkedIn page I realized I had to create a brand, an image that was indigenous to me.  Unfortunately, I wasn't too keen on how to  accomplish that.

I say that to say, going forward I will make a conscious effort to create and uniquely carve my brand to fit who I really am.  Not so much to what I think employers, people, would like me to be.

My branding objectives:

  1. To create more of a presence on LinkedIn and Twitter
  2. Clearly define my career goals and make sure I am attracting the right employers/connections
  3. Take advantage of the connections I currently have
  4. Clearly convey on every social media platform that I am business savvy, and that I have a desire to pursue Marketing
My Channels
  1. LinkedIn
  2. Twitter
  3. My personal Blog


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