Monday, September 16, 2013

Blogging For Sponsors

Having your very own car is an amazing feeling. You can go where ever your heart desires with minimal expenses. However owning and maintaining a vehicle is the hard part. If your like me then having your very own car has a whole different meaning. I use cars to fulfill my need for speed and dream with racing them (on the track off course). Owning a performance car is already expense as it is and on top of the maintenance costs you have add the cost of performance parts. Best way to avoid these costs are to get companies to sponsor you with parts for your car.

This is where blogging comes in handy. If you have a well established blog that has a decent following you can start to brand an image of yourself. Once you create a brand image you can start applying for a sponsorship for yourself and your car.
A company is more likely to sponsor someone who has a well connected network with people who share a common interest, in my case that will be building race cars and racing them. 

Getting a company or a manufacture to sponsor you and your car with parts can reduce your out of pockets costs to completely zero.  This is my goal, to learn as much as possible about social media and use it to create my own brand image to gauge the interest of potential sponsors. 

Jashandeep singh 

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