Monday, September 16, 2013

The Value of Blogging

Why is it that blogs can be such a powerful business tool? 

Blogs are a minimal cost platform, enabling businesses to communicate and interact with their customers, followers, complainers and anyone holding an interest within your organization.

Blogs are a fantastic marketing tool and or tactic that can help better serve a market and or increase consumer awareness about a product, service, idea, event or anything else that pertains to your company.

Blogging creates a "buzz"!

An increased awareness!

This buzz can be transferred from person to person through word of mouth as well as serving to increase your company's visibility to internet users. Having a strong internet presence is evermore becoming essential to continued survival and no longer a marketing option or alternative. 

Throughout this course I expect to expand my knowledge and skills within the realm of social media to allow a future employer to further increase their digital reach in the relentlessly competitive business environment that is our marketplace today.

- Dan Tobjy

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