Monday, September 23, 2013

Brand called You


Peronal Branding-You can't move up if you can't stand out

Who Am I??? Im not sure myself but I do know what I have a passion for

*Small Businesses

Remember in grade school when we had to write down what we wanted to be when we grow up? or where will we be in five years? most kids knew right away. Me ( still till this day at the age of 26) on the other hand, I still dont exactly know. I have the knowledge and more importantly the passion for a variety of different fields. I also have real life experiences to go along with. My interests in life are so broad and definitely not related from one to the next. Somebody once told me, if you love what you do you will always be successful and never work a day in your life. I want to help people, I want to make an impact on our society, I want to be hands on with certain things and gain real life experience, I also want to futher push the envolope of creativity. I want to help people growing up and who are like me, not having a clue about the future, and give them a sense of direction and purpose in life. I also want to help out small businesses who are not up to date with technology because I feel that small businesses are the backbone of our economy.

Objectives: When you think of Donald Trump you think of success, when you think of Jay-z you think of money, when you think of Joshua Padilla your going to think creativiness, success, and passion, thats my objective

Target audience: My target audience will range from kids in grade school to young adults in college. Small businesses are also my target.

I will be building my personal brand using my Linkedln , Twitter accounts, as well as my own blog/website one day!

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