Monday, September 30, 2013

Brand, ME!

My professional objective is to position myself in the entertainment and lifestyle media field.
My target audience is up and coming, or established public figures or companies to help grow and establish their brands.

The Tech News of Today

Here at last!

The much awaited and anticipated iphone 5s. 

"The product leaving techies at the edge of their chairs for months."

Why exactly, and what exactly has the apple community been so desperately and eagerly waiting for the next generation of apples flagship product?

....If anyone could provide a logical and reasonable answer backed up by technical specifications, experience enhancements and ease of access...please do. Consumers need your help now!

Yet again the new apple product, the Iphone 5s, has manifested a nearly insurmountable buzz in the mobile phone industry. Squashing many competitors such as Nokia, LG and HTC. Even forcing the hands of companies such as Microsoft to push forward in evermore competitive ways to regain some lost market share and forgotten and underutilized revenue channels.

This is the reason for the recent purchase of Nokia's mobile phone and services business for a whopping $7.2 billion. Where Nokia has seen a nearly 30% loss in the past 3 years, from 32.8% in 2010 to 3% in the first quarter of 2013.

The question remains though...Why Apple? What does the iphone 5s provide that is yet to be seen by other competitors?

Truthfully, nothing important.

That is unless throwing key identity characteristics such as your fingerprints online for the hackosphere to obtain at whatever point they desire.

....Don't believe it's possible? What major companies are yet to be hacked? If you can think of one, how do you know they truthfully haven't even further, how does that company know they truthfully haven't?

The major advantage of the new iphone 5s...the 64 bit processor. Well, there really aren't many advantages to that yet, simply the power and data they require don't quite add up to huge benefits at this current stage of technology. Yes it allows for more RAM, which will come in handy down the road, but it's simply not a necessity at this point in time.

" We will never make a 32 bit processor"- Bill Gates 1983. Oh how times have changed!

Naturally, the worlds dominant smart phone leader, Samsung, has responded by announcing their 64 bit Galaxy 4s within the coming months. Why should this lag have any effect on the market? How many apple users even know what processor they've been supplied with. 

The question all android users love from their apple wielding counterparts: 

"Does anyone have an iphone 5 charger?"- HAHA

....Of course not. There's a reason the EU has to standardize the chargers used throughout their countries. 10 mobile phone companies have signed a voluntary agreement to use standardized chargers for mobile phones using a micro-USB connector, accounting for 90% of their mobile phone market.

If in disagreement, provide feedback...why is apple so deserving of this hype? Where have the beaten android products, specifically Samsung products?

There's a reason android products accounted for nearly 80% of the smartphone shipments in Q3 2013. Pushing 187 million android phones into the market, while apple had a measly 31 million in comparison...

There's a reason for all this.

- Dan Tobjy

Branding Yourself For Victory

As we head closer to graduating and closer to starting our careers. We're all stumped with one question how am I going to get a job in this downed economy?

Having little to no experience and college loans to pay off, we all wonder if we are ever going to get a job that we dream about. It could be anything from the guy at the stock exchange floor to the lady CEO of a major firm or even have our very own businesses.

One thing is for sure, with all the competition around we have to know how to be different from rest of the crowd. That's where having your very own brand comes into play.

Being able to market yourself successfully can open up doors you once thought would never open. The following a blueprint of my very own Brand.

Mission Statement:

To be recognized as the first successful Asian American (from India) professional race car driver.


  • Get acknowledge as an upcoming  star in the armature's league.
  • Get a sponsorship
  • Build a fan base 
  • Become a topic in the social media world

Passion for music through a PR perspective

    With an anticipating marketing degree and a passion for music it has led me to making a career out of it. 
Sick, stressed, upset or just bored music gets through me my day. 

 my channels:
LinkedIn-it's a professional way for me to share my skills and experiences to markets and businesses in my my field and in my interests 
Facebook- A way I can connect to other people and network with others of the same profession 

Instagram- I am able to follow business's   profiles for ideas and inspirations in the similar field. 

Craft Market Research

Like I mentioned in class, my experience over the summer doing market research has caught my interest. I want to grow and create new ways to gather research.

I would like to do something more creative and perhaps fun at the same time. If someone is not under the impression that they are giving feedback then we will receive a natural response.

We will be surprised by the comments we receive that can be used for other research topics. Nothing can be assume in research. 

Dot your i's and cross your t's

Today's new is always bursting with social media. Gossip news is even better, who is tweeting false information or crude remarks. There comes a time where social media can help or hurt you . Everyone wants to have a little fun in life but at times we need to have some etiquette! 

Social media such as twitter has some rules! 
- don't automatically direct message people to follow you ! ( you just look desperate)
- don't over hashtag ###### No one wants to read a million words that start with # 
- don't stuff your weeks with keywords. Tweeting is suppose to simple and sweet . Get the point and post 😡


- don't like your own post. ( again how desperate can you be to have a million likes???)
- don't ignore comments. ( that's just rude.) 


-don't join groups and immediately start selling yourself. You'll just look desperate and get annoying.

-don't pester recommendations. No one wants to be annoyed, while their the ones helping you. 

As you can see there is a lot to the social media world. So the next time your ready to post, remember your etiquette. 

Sunday, September 29, 2013

My Brand

It took me a while to concoct a summary of my personal brand.  After all, speaking about yourself is the hardest thing to do.

I haven't quite figured out how to combine the spiritual and business aspects of me.  I read all the "Personal Brand" articles, and looked up "social media etiquette tips" on Google. I tried my very best ( or did I? Hmm that is the question ... ** places tip of pinky finger on the corner of my mouth**) to figure out how to make it applicable to my brand.

In the end, though I came across some helpful information, there is no mold for my brand.  I had to dig deep to find my core, and then figure out which pieces really matter to my potential audience.

Below is a brief brand summary and a short list of objectives.  I decided not to delve into the spiritual side, but be succinct and precise about my passion for business and relationships.

My Brand Statement

"Through dedication and compassion I motivate individuals to aspire to reach their maximum potential while exceeding company expectations.  My main organizational goal  is to increase productivity and decrease cost by efficiently and effectively utilizing human and monetary resources.  I build long-lasting, fruitful relationships with my team, business partners and clients to drive consistent, recurring revenue for my organization. "

My Objectives
  1. To obtain a position as a  Learning and Development Specialist within my organization.
  2. To build stronger relationship with my business network by faithfully utilizing social media (Twitter, LinkedIn, personal blog).
  3. To create more of a social media presence by better managing my social media accounts and making sure my message is fluid.
  4. To acquire skills needed to become an eligible candidate for the position I desire.
  5. To inspire individuals to seek after what they truly love to do and realize their dreams.
I must admit, the above lacks character.  I feel like I created a taco shell and forgot to add the meat.
The fact that this is so challenging makes me wonder if I  am being true to myself or just computing a message that I think people want to read.  Stay tuned while I find a way to inject personality and pure honesty in between the lines.

Writing in Social Media...Etiquettes....

After searching for some etiquette tips writing in social media, there are TONS of rules and a lot of suggestions in social media writing. I learned a lot of things and also stuff that annoys people out there. Let's keep this simple.

  Here are some common etiquette tips that were mentioned:

• Do not use capitalized letters because it seems like a person is yelling at the audience. (Don't you hate it when you people do that?)

• Grammar (When people don't know how to use their...THEY'RE and THERE'S)

• Hashtah Happy people (This is when you see #dont#you#want#to#read#this#and#not#get#bored#letshashtageverywordinthesentence)

• Punctuations (This is just like the capitalization letters because it sounds like you are yelling at people!)

• People spamming everything they do (Do this and you will be fit, blah, blah, blah, all over your news feed) 

• Do not talk about religion, politics, or society • Don't tag people on pictures that they're not even in

New things I had learned researching this:

• Following everyone that added you

• Not responding back on your replies (Guilty as charged)

• Don't be too boring and always about business, have a little fun

• Social Media is NOT sales media

• Don't thank everyone that started to follow you (especially on Twitter)

• Don't talk about other things outside your subject

• Read directions

There are a lot more things in social media that I am learning more and more, having social media Etiquette could help get more followers and your professional career be recognized more.

  Source: Social Media Business Etiquettes

Being Me. Only Me. My Personal Brand.

I am an automotive professional who has 5 years experience in Media, Automotive Events, Press Fleet, and Automotive Testing.

 My objective: to work directly for an automotive manufacturer in Marketing, Events, or Operations Management, just as I have been working part-time contractor as an automotive test driver for Volkswagen Group in the Allendale, NJ facility. I am experienced in the following:

  • Drive Activities - Ride & Drive Events for Consumers & Media 
  • Buyer Engagements - Direct to Consumer Promotions/Events 
  • Media Involvement - Press Events and Vehicle Deliveries 
  • Event Logistics - Site Selection, Permits, Activation 
  • Fleet Logistics - Media & Promotional Vehicle Management 
  • Executive Transportation - Corporate, Media, Government, Private 
  • Test Driving

My target audiences would be automotive manufacturers, automotive events, media, enthusiasts, and press fleet.

 Channels: Linkedin account which I use as my professional channel but will be opening a Twitter and Facebook account to broaden my horizons in social media.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Music is "Branded" in Me

Stepping foot into the music industry with my passion of music.

Keys to success:
  • Effective communication 
  • Networking
  • Consistency
  • Hard work
  • Hunger for success 
This is one of the toughest industries to be involved in. It really boils down to who you know and who can introduce you to artists, and producers already in the music industry. It takes a lot of networking. Just like Eminem had Dr. Dre and Justin Bieber had YouTube. It takes consistent work to further improve my abilities, and learning today's changing trends. It takes a lot of time and patience, but networking, consistency and dedication are three main factors to reaching my goal.

My channels include:
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • SoundCloud
  • LinkedIn

Monday, September 23, 2013

Please wait.... while I am being Branded.

These days you are almost non-existent in this world if you do not have a presence on at least two social media networks.  I won't lie, with the exception of LinkedIn, all my social media accounts were made without any thought or meaning behind them.

I created a Facebook because everyone else had one, and I just wanted to see how many of my high school peers had husbands and wives versus baby daddies and baby mommas.  I created Instagram haphazardly as well.

But LinkedIn, ooooh LinkedIn was created with purpose mixed in with a hint of exclusivity.  I knew that it would aid me greatly in searching and landing a job, and the "accept" button wasn't to be taken lightly.

While making my LinkedIn page I realized I had to create a brand, an image that was indigenous to me.  Unfortunately, I wasn't too keen on how to  accomplish that.

I say that to say, going forward I will make a conscious effort to create and uniquely carve my brand to fit who I really am.  Not so much to what I think employers, people, would like me to be.

My branding objectives:

  1. To create more of a presence on LinkedIn and Twitter
  2. Clearly define my career goals and make sure I am attracting the right employers/connections
  3. Take advantage of the connections I currently have
  4. Clearly convey on every social media platform that I am business savvy, and that I have a desire to pursue Marketing
My Channels
  1. LinkedIn
  2. Twitter
  3. My personal Blog


A Brand of my own

“We know what we are, but not what we may be.”

To increase my perceived value to a potential employer, something must happen first. My name, education and accomplishments should no longer be the main criteria I am reviewed upon before any hiring selection.


Rate the value of my brand and decide whether or not this personal and unique brand offered to you is capable of bringing increased value to your company.

As I continue to bolster the archive of knowledge pertaining to new and upcoming technologies I possess, something will spawn. My knowledge and understanding of the existing, past and future instruments and tools brings value to the table.

The tracking and and following of companies throughout their introductory, expansion, maturity and decline stages holds the answers to flawed business models and slow to adapt organizations who allow their ideas to no longer become just an idea but a product solidified in its original form, dead without the required transformation and adaptation

Here I can prove my interests in the field of technology can propel me to a position where future thought is present mind.

My marketplace is my blog and my blog is where my brand will premiere.

Serving to educate the young and old of the upcoming products, services and ideas that new technologies hold as their purpose for existence.

Whether the question is:

 Iphone 5s vs Galaxy 4s

Samsung LED vs Sony LED

Bose vs Beats...

Here the question can be answered.

Taking to Gizmodo, Appygeek and Facebook...

Information is on the way!

Quote by: William Shakespeare

- Dan Tobjy

Express yourself, Brand yourself !

My objectives I live by everyday are never giving up and finishing a day and feeling success! I'd brand myself as teaching and mentoring in the fashion indutry. Knowing that someone has learned a task because of my own teaching is a feeling of success in life! 

I would have to say my target audience are people around my age 20-25. I feel as though I can learn from the people I teach. Learning how they react to my teachings will help me better my structures an ways of teaching and mentoring . 

My channels:

    * LinkedIn: sharing my skills to the world and finding companies who  are interested in my skills.

    * Facebook: connecting with people all over and being able to link myself with positive people.

    * Blogger: blogging about the world and news around us . Keeping up on communications and skills of social media. 

Branding as easy as 1, 2, 3?

Telling others about your goals and dreams isn't as easy to get out, as one might think. I mostly have a variety of things jumping around in my mind at all times, but creating things is what I am most passionate about.

My personal brand; outgoing, creative, marketing expert, passion for advertising, fashion, public relations, and effortless communication.

My dream is to find an entertainment based public relations firm that would allow me to develop my skills as a marketer.

Branding Myself: Creative, Bilingual and Determined

I'm a 21 years old Latina about to graduate college with a Marketing degree and time is ticking! I need to find what makes me different. 
I am a very determined person, and my main goal was to go to college.

In my case attending college implied moving to another country and learning a new language (not a piece of cake)but heyy I'm doing it!
I personally have been through the culture adaptation process, and it is not easy.
The U.S culture is really different (open-minded) from the culture I grew up in, however I am adapting and I am liking it!
I believe that my experiences have influenced my desires of what I want to do when I graduate college.
Likewise, I am very proud of my culture and language and want to represent it .
The Latino group of consumers is growing every year in the U.S and companies know this group represents a significant part of their sales.
Therefore, I would love to do a job that involves identifying and satisfying the Latino consumers' needs.  One of my goals is to make all the Latino consumers feel like they're home.

 My three Channels : 
  • Facebook: Where I can be in touch with significant number of Latinos through pages such as Digibunch
  "DigiBunch offers brands and advertisers direct access to working with the TOP YouTube celebrities on creating original viral videos incorporating brand messaging in a fun and organic way, with tons of swag." 
  • Twitter: Alike Facebook, I can post my own opinions and be in touch with Latino consumer
  • Linked-In: Even though, this is a new platform for me, I am starting to see the advantages of using this social media tool to find jobs and find people in the advertising field.

My Target Audience:

-Hispanic Advertising Agencies.
-Latino Consumers

Jumping On The Brand Wagon

I can honestly say that prior to the start of this semester that I did not give much thought to my personal brand. Don't get me wrong, I do have the summary section filled out on Linked page, but I wouldn't exactly say it is my "personal brand".

That being said, I decided to take a look at some of the profiles of classmates, colleagues and executives that I am "connected" to on LinkedIn and see what it is makes their pages so effective. There are several factors that make a profile effective, but the common denominator is that they all have a "personal brand".

I'm not one for rushing to do what everyone else is doing, for example I will not be buying the new iPhone 5s until any bugs (and there will be some) are fixed. I also refuse to wait in line for 2 weeks for anything, but I digress.
However, as someone who is aspiring to be successful in their career, developing my own brand is one band wagon I don't mind jumping on. But the burning question is “Brand myself as what?”

After giving it some thought, (and having to go around the room one by one in my Social Media Marketing class and share), I came up with this: Innovative and creative, aspiring marketing professional looking to pursue a career in social media marketing for high-end beauty brands.

Based on this, my objectives would be:
  • To develop more of a presence on the social media channels LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google+ because these are the platforms my target audience frequently use or are starting to use.
  • Showcase my ideas and personality on these platforms (especially Twitter) to engage my target audience.
  • Use a platform like Klout, to measure my success against my objectives.
My target audience would be potential employers within the marketing and beauty industry.

Social Media Channels
I plan on using the following social media sites to market my personal brand. 

I’m very active on LinkedIn. I try to keep it up to date and connect with employees of companies I would love to work for.
Twitter however, is a different story. In the 4 years that I have used twitter, I've only tweeted 456 times, and about 50% of those are from my Instagram or interesting news articles that I've read. 

I occasionally share a witty comment or will retweet a post from my favorite companies, I don't use it as a professional platform, otherwise.  Until now, that is. 

I created a Google+ account this weekend but it’s still a work in progress. I laid down the ground work, now I have to beginning adding people to my “circles”, following my favorite companies and start engaging potential employers.

I'm really excited to begin the process of developing my brand and seeing how each of us grows and develops our brands as the semester goes on.

Until next time,

Brand called You


Peronal Branding-You can't move up if you can't stand out

Who Am I??? Im not sure myself but I do know what I have a passion for

*Small Businesses

Remember in grade school when we had to write down what we wanted to be when we grow up? or where will we be in five years? most kids knew right away. Me ( still till this day at the age of 26) on the other hand, I still dont exactly know. I have the knowledge and more importantly the passion for a variety of different fields. I also have real life experiences to go along with. My interests in life are so broad and definitely not related from one to the next. Somebody once told me, if you love what you do you will always be successful and never work a day in your life. I want to help people, I want to make an impact on our society, I want to be hands on with certain things and gain real life experience, I also want to futher push the envolope of creativity. I want to help people growing up and who are like me, not having a clue about the future, and give them a sense of direction and purpose in life. I also want to help out small businesses who are not up to date with technology because I feel that small businesses are the backbone of our economy.

Objectives: When you think of Donald Trump you think of success, when you think of Jay-z you think of money, when you think of Joshua Padilla your going to think creativiness, success, and passion, thats my objective

Target audience: My target audience will range from kids in grade school to young adults in college. Small businesses are also my target.

I will be building my personal brand using my Linkedln , Twitter accounts, as well as my own blog/website one day!

A Personal Brand Beyond Myself

What’s my personal brand?...

Up until this time last week, I was attempting to figure out what my personal brand should be. Not too long before class, I finally figured it out, or so I thought.

One of my main dilemmas? Prior to the start of this class, although I had an idea of my personal brand (granted, I didn’t refer to it as a personal brand), I never stopped to put it into words.  While not set in stone, after class, I have come to a better understanding of my personal brand.  
 Over the past few years I've been blessed to work alongside several non-profits doing life changing work, both domestically and abroad, that have drastically changed the way I view the world around me. I’ve also had the opportunity to work with several Christian bands that have has a profound impact on my life, and the lives of countless others. 
Did she say Christian? While mentioning anything to do with faith (I’m hesitant to use the word religion) is not what one may initially think of when discussing personal brands, my faith makes me who I am; without it, I would not be the same person. So, while I understand that everyone may not have the same beliefs, I simply cannot isolate my faith from my personal brand.

Based on my experiences and faith, while I am a college student interested in learning more about social media who will have a marketing degree come December, I want my personal brand to be about more than just myself.  I want to use it to build a reputation to help Christian bands and non-profits build their brands and connect with the public. 

From this, my objectives would include:
  • To network with those currently working in or with Christian bands and non-profits and those with similar interests.
  • To help market and promote various Christian bands and non-profits (both those I already have connections with, and new ones as well).
  • To address distorted perceptions individuals may have about Christian Bands. With everything from contemporary, to rock, to heavy metal, to rap, to country, and beyond, Christian music is no longer limited to the traditional sense.
  • To encourage my audience to find a nonprofit that aligns with their interests and get involved.  

My target audience would include:
  • Anyone interested in learning more about non-profits and Christian bands
  • Potential employers and those currently working with non-profits and Christian bands

The social media channels I plan to use include:
  • Facebook: Connect by "liking" pages for nonprofits/bands and by interacting with them. Also to build a brand through sharing/posting related stories and articles to my account.
  • LinkedIn: To network with current employees of companies/organizations that I would possibly like to work for. 
  • Twitter: To follow/interact with nonprofits/bands, and to create a following of my own in promoting them.
  • Blogger: Ultimately, either later in the semester or after the semester, I would like to create a blog to further help build the brands of non-profits and Christian bands.  
While my brand is clearly sill a work in process, by maintaining relationships with nonprofits and bands I've worked with in the past, and by reaching out to a new audience, I'm excited to begin to grow my brand through social media.

First Task: Retrieve my login information for my forgotten and unused Twitter account.