As I've said in my previous value proposition blog post, I'm really focusing on my LinkedIn as my main source of my personal brand on social media. I've updated it to include my most recent jobs to do with editing, publishing, and writing along with some volunteer work.
I feel adding the volunteer work is very important because not only does it show a little bit about myself as well as what I believe in, but that I care about helping my fellow man (or woman). Because I really do! As a bonus, it boosts my resume showing the experience and skills that I have and was able to share with others.
Now, still learning about LinkedIn, I realized that I can become part of groups that will ask questions or give some news updates within the industries that I want to be in. I joined some awesome groups including Books and Writers, Children's Publishing, Young Adult Fiction Book Club, and Professional Women In the Book and Magazine Publishing Industry. Some of these groups were closed groups, meaning the head of the group needed to approve you, which they did!

I even had a head editor from HarperCollins look at my profile! Awesome! Though he didn't link with me, so kind of discouraging... But I'll get them to notice me the more I play around with the website.
I am also going to start up a blog for myself about the book publishing industry, because ultimately that is where I want to go.
However, I don't have it up just yet. Now, I know that seems bad, but let me explain.
This past week I have been sick and it was hard with work, school, clubs, blogs, and articles, to name a few. My mind has been a jumbled mess so I haven't gotten around to creating the blog.
Now, I could easily create one right now on Blogger. However, I know Blogger. I can say that I am pretty advanced with the amount of knowledge that I have on Blogger.
I want to expand my horizons. So that is why I want to try to create a WordPress blog.
Though it is not created yet, I do know what I want it to be about. I will post news about the book publishing industry and my thoughts on where it is heading, all the while showing my love for the 18- to 25-year-old market.
I'll probably post thoughts about books that I have read or want to read, and probably how it might change or hinder the book publishing industry. I'll probably link my GoodReads profile to it as well, though I'll need to update it.
I have many, many thoughts that I want to share. So when I do start it, I will be sure to update it at the very least once a week, though I would like to update it way more than that.
Once I've created my blog, I will then link it to my LinkedIn as well as my other social media websites so that I can show my skills and experience.
So that is my plan! I hope it works and shows that I am really capable of. I want to show what I love and what I want to do as a job so that in the future I can say, "I'm being paid to do what I love."
