Monday, November 4, 2013


Louis Vuitton Malletier, commonly referred to as Louis Vuitton is a French luxury fashion and leather goods brand.  Although, late on joining the social media bandwagon they have come to own their social media space.

Louis Vuitton knows who their target market, especially where they are being attracted.  They are present on Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook and Pintrest.

Through all of these various channels they integrate unique ways to promote their products.  Last Valentine’s Day a Twitter campaign was launched to give their leather goods a personality.

Louis Vuitton used hashtags #MiniMonAmour, #GallantLove and #LVLove and linked to the respective commerce-enabled accessories sections of its Web site.  This established their foothold on the Twitter platform. 
The continuous stream of tweets, instagram pics, youtube, facebook and new pins keeps their consumer updated.  The audience gets involved by being able to share an opinion on a post.

Traditional marketing is utilized as well providing hand written follow up cards and catalogs still received via postal mail.  They connect all of their social media together to create a strong brand presence on this platform that helps the brand differentiate itself. 
Their social media is frequently updated, through different channels, connected to one another known as waterfall effect and using the right formality towards their target audience.  I believe that Louis Vuitton has found its entry way through social media and continuous to be successful as they grow their presence in a unique way.  


  1. I think it's great that LV links all of their social media platforms together. In this fast paced world we live in, the ease of being able to navigate or connect to different pages quickly is a necessity on a brands website.

    Also, I like that LV is focused on giving their brand a personality. It's important for luxury brands to find the balance not come off as too stodgy yet retain an air of exclusivity.

    Nice post!

  2. Who doesn't like LV??? they certainly know their target market

  3. Nice job, Thea. Watch your grammar, capitalization and punctuation. Also, get more specific. What posts did you like the best? Can you link directly from this post to some of LV's social media applications? Thanks -Perri

    1. Of course! and to link a few. My favorite site is Tumblr to see real people capturing how they use their favorite LV accessory!
