Saturday, November 9, 2013

Where Im at?!

Sooooo as I sit here and contemplate all the previous blogs and work I have done for this class, little by little the pieces to the puzzle are starting to fall into place.

When I first started this class I knew it wasn't going to be an easy task for me building up my own personal brand for the simple fact that Im still figuring myself out. See to me life is more of a journey, a beautiful struggle if you will. It is all about planning and getting out of your comfort zone. You will suprise yourself on the things your capable of accomplishing.

In building my personal brand, creating a value propisition, and connecting with my target audience I had to get out of my comfort zone. As I stated before I am still figuring myself out so I had to really think about what I enjoy in life, what am I good at, what interests me, and what do I really have a passion for. I figured I can't be the only one in this position but the thing that bothered me is I always felt this way since grade school. So building my own personal brand is really helping me get to the next level in figuring myself out.

Connecting with my target audience has not been as easy as I thought it would be. For me networking is very important. For many instances and opportunites in life it is all about who you know. I have networked with many different people via social networking but connecting with a specific target audience is on a whole other level. A few people have responded to me via Twitter and Linkedin (my main social network channels), but for my personal brand it is a little challenging. There are some really good people on Linkedin who kind of share the same interests as me so I connected with them. I messeged several people on how I can get more involved with what they do or the organizations they are a part of. Several schools and random people who do youth work responded to me via Twitter. When it comes to small businesses I am connecting with them through word of mouth or customers that I deal with at my current workplace. I am also looking for small businesses who may have a twitter account but don't update nor really use it like they should.

Ok guys my rant is over, I hope to connect with my target audience a little bit more in the upcoming weeks and continue building up my personal brand!

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