Monday, November 18, 2013

Carryology Wears The Content Crown

Image source: Valuable Content

For the past two to three weeks the conversation within our Contemporary Issues In Marketing course has revolved around the topic of "content", but as the above cartoon states, "but what the hell is it?"

I've taken a read from a UK site recently, Valuable Content , and was quite intrigued despite residing over the pond the social media and online marketing landscape is quite similar to what we view here in the states.  The following bullet points are some examples of how content marketing is being utilized and who is using it via Valuable Contents' post on A Quick Introduction To Content Marketing :

  • Personal training companies that find new clients by sharing helpful video tips online  - see Bristol’s own Create Fitness  
 What I've taken from Valuable Content and the lectures in class is that content revolves around being sincere and engaging at the same time.  The focus is heavily on the audience and instead of shoving something down someone's throat you seek to offer material that is relatable, inviting, and in a sense helpful.

Depending on the content, you're looking to bring in a returning crowd as well as have those discover what it is that you have to offer that may spark an interest, a curiosity on a more engaging level.  I find that when it comes to igniting an interest no one site caught my attention better than a little unknown called Carryology.

The Australian based site, supported under the Bellroy brand caught my eye back in 2010 when I came across it accidentally on a Google search while in Melbourne, VIC.  I did not realize that I had an affinity for bags/carry items prior to landing on their homepage.

 My time in the military and my desire to pick up a new backpack every year for school up to my senior year in high school smacked me square in the face the moment my eyes laid on the sandy background and the plethora of carry items the site displayed before me.  At that moment I realized I had a thing for all things carry and it was Carryology's content that kept me there (should I cue a '76 Carrie joke in here somewhere...all this talk of carry/Carrie...ok, corny).

Carry Conversations :: GORUCK

It's not just about the bags that Carryology presents , but the way they incorporate interviews, stories, and just talking about what they enjoy in a carry item gives it more depth than just looking at a backpack.  

Carryology's layout is simple yet the content they produce is engaging as a blogging platform and with some posts you're instilled with a sense of travel and/or adventure.  There is a storytelling feel you can take away from certain posts.

The folks at Carryology know exactly what they're doing and their execution is spot on.  They truly know their audience and have the ability to draw in those who didn't know they had an attraction to the world of carry such as myself on that fateful day in 2010.  When it comes to content being king in marketing I do not believe the crown is too heavy for Carryology who wears it with grace.

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