While initially set out on following certain nonprofits
and management level employees at those nonprofits, after discussing it in
class, I've also started to follow companies and individuals that specialize
in how nonprofits can effectively use social media, specifically Social Media 4 Nonprofits.
For the most part, I was surprised how easy it was to
find some of my target audience, especially on Twitter and LinkedIn and once I
found them, the hard part was done, right?...Wrong! Over the past few weeks I
have quickly learned that the hard part was just beginning; following my
audience was the easy part, connecting with them would require more.
In following my target audience, on my Twitter account I have been replying
to certain tweets and to retweeting others related to social media and
nonprofits. I have also joined several
groups through my LinkedIn account (both organization based and groups based solely on social
media usage in nonprofits) and have been commenting on various blogs and websites,
such as NP Tech for Good.
As for followers, there’s a social media blog from the
UK (Muddywall) and a social media strategist from India (Santosh Rajan) that both unexpectedly began to follow me which I followed
back in return. With many of my target
nonprofits working internationally, it’s both interesting and beneficial to see the
social media trends in other countries.
Not expecting a response, I decided to tweet Stacie Flinner, the Faith Partners Manger at charity: water to see if I would be able
to learn a little more about that she does; to my surprise, she followed back,
allowing me to direct message her. While
it was a hit or miss to contact someone that has no clue as to who I am, it’s
a great connection and I look forward to seeing where it will lead.
This past week I have also applied for an internship at
one of the companies in my target audience; I love how they are using social media,
and what better way to learn more about what they are doing than working
alongside them. While completely out of
my comfort zone it's rather exciting; I’ll update you on what happens!
Overall, one of the biggest take aways I have from the
past week it to expect the unexpected.
I set out with a specific target audience in mind, and while I’m still working
to connect with them, I have been able to connect with several others that I
never would have planned to.

Looking forward to your feedback and being able to update you on the progress of my personal brand, thanks for reading!
good job and good luck
ReplyDeleteI see your point of view in terms of building a personal brand, but you've done great amount of work and have seen results in a short amount of time. I'm sure that you will be able to find a internship/job after showcasing what your brand is about.